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Using Sentinel-1 SAR data to detect earth surface changes related to neotectonics in the Focșani basin (Eastern Romania)

imaginea utilizatorului mihai.niculita

Ground deformations are the result of interactions between terrain and various processes. Their identification and monitoring becomes an important step as they can provide insights about Earth’s dynamics or process triggering conditions. This paper aims to show the potential use of Sentinel-1 SAR images to identify ground deformations induced by neotectonics. Hence, we applied PS-InSAR stacking technique on Sentinel-1 ascending dataset in the area of Focșani basin, Eastern Romania. High density of PS obtained in populated areas allows the detection of tectonic fractures. They are characterized by blocks movement in opposite direction with 5-10 mm/year. Detection of geologic lineaments using free Sentinel-1 data presents a great advantage for future geological surveys which permits a better delineation of tectonic accidents, especially where seismic data are not available.

Necula N, Niculita M, Floris M. 2018. Using Sentinel-1 SAR data to detect earth surface changes related to neotectonics in the Focșani basin (Eastern Romania) PeerJ Preprints 6:e27084v1
