Iași Municipality as other urban areas around the world has a long history of landslide activity which needs to be studied considering the urban sprawl. We performed a first landslide susceptibility modeling for Iași Municipality based on the AHP method using weights given by expert judgements regarding the influence of preparatory and conditional landslides factors (slope, ruggedness, lithology, historic landslide density and hydrogeology) and weights given by the historic landslide density over the factors. The landslide inventory was performed based on LiDAR data and aerial imagery using the geomorphological mapping of landslide elements. Using the landslide probability density function we have shown that the landslide inventory is valid and we have selected 411 landslides considered recent to be used for the validation. The resulted susceptibility show that the most susceptible to landslide reactivations are the hillslopes of cuesta hills with relict and old landslides, especially at the main scarp. Recent landslides are mainly scarp slumps or landslide body translational reactivations. The validation showed that almost 70% of recent landslides are located on high susceptibility areas. Future work to improve the susceptibility and extend it to hazard modeling is needed considering the long history of landslide reactivations from Iași Municipality and the slow evolution of old landslides like in Țicău neighborhoods.
Necula Nicușor, Niculiță Mihai (2017) Landslide reactivation susceptibility modeling in Iași Municipality. revista de geomorfologie, 19(1):101-117.
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