Submitted by mihai.niculita on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 04:54
Today, as in the past, people living in hilly and mountainous regions have had to face the consequences of mass movement processes. Archaeological remains are important elements of cultural heritage, which can be significantly affected by landslides in different environmental settings and landscape evolution phases. In the Eastern Carpathians lowlands, landslides have shaped a landscape with inaccessible escarpments tens of metres high, providing ancient populations with naturally defensive sites at which to build their fortified settlements.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 04:52
The creation and analysis of landslide inventories is the basic approach for starting the landslide hazard to risk analysis chain analysis. In order to perform this kind of analysis for the Iași Municipality (North–eastern Romania) we created based on aerial imagery and LiDAR data a landslide inventory of the landslide events that happened in the last 100 years. In total, we identified and delineated 518 landslide events: 51.5% translational slides, 19.7% slumps (rotational slides), 17% flowslides and 11.8% flows.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 04:50
Iași Municipality as other urban areas around the world has a long history of landslide activity which needs to be studied considering the urban sprawl. We performed a first landslide susceptibility modeling for Iași Municipality based on the AHP method using weights given by expert judgements regarding the influence of preparatory and conditional landslides factors (slope, ruggedness, lithology, historic landslide density and hydrogeology) and weights given by the historic landslide density over the factors.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 04:46
Ground deformations are the result of interactions between terrain and various processes. Their identification and monitoring becomes an important step as they can provide insights about Earth’s dynamics or process triggering conditions. This paper aims to show the potential use of Sentinel-1 SAR images to identify ground deformations induced by neotectonics. Hence, we applied PS-InSAR stacking technique on Sentinel-1 ascending dataset in the area of Focșani basin, Eastern Romania. High density of PS obtained in populated areas allows the detection of tectonic fractures.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 04:45
SRTM1 Digital Elevation Model for many mountain ranges in Romania were processed to provide slope gradient distributions for each 50 m band of altitude. The effects of cirques are seen in an increase in standard deviation of gradient, and a spread in all percentiles, especially an increase in the 95th, at relevant altitudes. Otherwise, variations in median gradient with altitude differ between ranges, and do not show the general increase found in the Alps below cirque floor altitudes by several authors.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 04:35
SRTM data is still one of the most used data in geosciences for various purposes: geomorphometric analysis, environmental covariate modelling or geomorphic change detection. Although high resolution national/regional DEMs exist, very often accessing them is expensive, or their coverage is not complete over specific areas (only floodplains or cities are covered). Because of this SRTM still remains the best choice when elevation data is needed for regional/national or global areas.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Sun, 04/05/2020 - 08:02
As a tribute for a great romanian geomorphologist we list his biography and his published materials, and were we have access and license to publish, we also deliver the .pdf version of the document.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 23:58
Materialele prezente în acest post sunt utilizabile de catre studentii specializărilor Geografie, Hidrologie Meteorologie, Planificare Teritorială și Geografia Mediului, anul I, la disciplina Informatică aplicată în geoștiințe, seminarii.
Materialele prezente în acest post sunt utilizabile de catre studentii specializărilor Geografie, Geografia Mediului, Planificare Teritorială şi Hidrologie-Meteorologie, anul II, la disciplina Geomorfologie, lucrări practice.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Tue, 10/01/2019 - 13:42
Materialele prezente în acest articol sunt utilizabile de catre studentii specializarilor Geografie, Hidrologie-Meteorologie, Planificare teritorială si Geografia Mediului, anul III, anul universitar 2019-2020.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 16:55
Materialele prezente în acest articol sunt utilizabile de catre studentii specializarilor Hidrologie-Meteorologie, Planificare teritorială si Geografia Mediului, anul III.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Tue, 08/28/2018 - 13:19
This web existence share digital resources about geomorphology and will become an interactive portal (some day :)...).
At this time does not allow any comments and login (because of heavy spamming) and it is multilingual (contact me if you want to help especially in French and German languages).
For any request to the admin please email to him.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Tue, 08/28/2018 - 12:35
Teza de doctorat Mihai Niculita - Realizarea unui cadru de lucru pentru analiza geomorfometrica a reliefului reprezentat pe modelele numerice ale suprafetei terenului, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași.
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 23:54
This webpage lists resources related to the creation of maps in GIS.
The first approach to this topic was made in February 2018 within the GeoDA project, for 1st year students, from the Department of Geography, of the Faculty of Geography and Geology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași.
Subsequently, the idea was resumed at the JASSY summer school:
JASSY Summer School 9-22 July 2018 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi
“Tourism at the Eastern Border of the EU”.
Interdisciplinary Training for Tour Guides.
Coordinator: Lect. Dr. Mihai Bulai
Submitted by mihai.niculita on Tue, 06/05/2018 - 01:03
Rezultate evaluare recuperări Informatică aplicată în geoştiinţe
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